Dual students at NürnbergMesse have the option of studying abroad or working at the international subsidiaries. Carolin Hofmann opted for both and looks back on her past semester abroad in Dublin and forward to her upcoming practical phase at NürnbergMesse Austria in Vienna.
Carolin, looking back, how do you remember your time in Dublin?
To me, all the people said that I would regret not doing a semester abroad! And it's true: This experience is important and I can only pass this advice on to everyone because it is simply a very memorable time. You learn a lot and see things differently. I would do everything the same way again.
From DHBW, my university, relatively many were also there before the lectures started. This meant that we were able to go on our first excursions together right from the start and form a circle of friends. We went to Northern Ireland together and also drove around Ireland a bit, which was really nice.
How does studying in Germany differ from studying in Dublin?
I'm studying media and communications in Germany. Together with the university's International Office, we tried to find courses in Dublin that roughly corresponded to the German courses. What was noticeable was the lower level compared to our German courses, which was possibly due to the international orientation of the courses. On the other hand, the Irish lecturers were always very enthusiastic about the German presentations.

The famous Temple Bar in the neighborhood of the same name is just one of the many pubs and bars in Dublin.
What is special about Irish culture? How can you describe the Irish?
The Irish are definitely very friendly. And they love to drink. There are a lot of pubs and bars in Dublin. It feels like people are already sitting in them at 2 p.m. enjoying a Guinness beer. In Northern Ireland, the conflict between Ireland and Great Britain was omnipresent. This was also reported by our Airbnb host, who was in prison during this conflict.
Why did you choose to spend a semester abroad in Dublin, of all places?
I chose Dublin because I definitely wanted to study in an English-speaking country. My favorite would have been Canada, but unfortunately that didn't work out, so I decided on Ireland. I didn't know that much about Ireland beforehand, actually only that the big players like Google, Apple and Co. have locations there and that the nature was fantastic. I just let myself be surprised - a good decision!
Did you still have contact with NürnbergMesse during your semester abroad?
We actually always have contact during the theory phase. We can be reached by e-mail and can of course also get in touch with our contacts at NürnbergMesse if we have any questions. We deliberately don't have any tasks from the company so that we can concentrate completely on our studies during the theory phase.

At the University of Dublin, students from numerous nations come together.
What do you take away from this time, both personally and professionally?
I'm definitely taking a few new friendships with me. Also a lot of great memories. And of course a better English!
What were your favorite places in Dublin and Ireland in general?
I especially liked the nature and the landscape in Ireland, which were a great contrast to the hustle and bustle of the capital. From Dublin, you can get to Bray and Howth relatively quickly, both of which are right by the sea. There you can hike very nicely and enjoy the great view.
You went straight on to NürnbergMesse Austria in Vienna in January. Are you happy that you can now continue with practice or would you rather have stayed a little longer in Dublin to study?
I am always looking forward to both! But now in practice, on the one hand, I'm looking forward to the professional challenges and working for NürnbergMesse. On the other hand, I'm looking forward to Vienna, because Vienna is simply a city that has a lot to offer culturally.