Save energy
The Russian war of aggression in Ukraine has led to uncertainties in energy supplies worldwide and a massive increase in the cost of energy prices. This also affects NürnbergMesse.
With regard to the organisation of exhibitions and congresses in the coming months, NürnbergMesse has developed specific energy-saving measures. These are intended to reduce the energy consumption of the company and the events by 20 per cent.
NürnbergMesse spends most of its energy on air-conditioning the halls and their lighting. This is precisely where our following central energy-saving measures come in:

We reduce the target temperatures by a few degrees when heating and cooling in the office and conference rooms as well as in halls and entrance areas.

As a first step, we have already converted a large part of our halls to LED in August and will convert the remaining halls to LED by the first quarter of 2023. At our events, with the exception of the security lighting, we illuminate the outdoor area and the exhibition park until 8 pm. All other outdoor lighting is switched off. The traditional Christmas tree at NürnbergMesse will be converted to LED and switched off from 8 pm.

To ensure a secure energy supply at the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg, NürnbergMesse is diversifying its mix of energy sources. In addition to the district heating supply, the existing gas firing system is being converted so that heating oil can also be used as an energy source in the future. In this way, NürnbergMesse is creating flexibility and security for its event operations.
The measures mentioned pay into NürnbergMesse's long-term goal of making its energy supply CO2-neutral by 2028. The core instrument for this is the project planning of a battery and hydrogen storage-supported photovoltaic power plant, the first phase of whichof which already started in spring 2023.