Startup Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter

NürnbergMesse Start-up Hub

We make start-ups visible

Startup Hub Logo

NürnbergMesse offers a varied, economical range of options for start-ups and young companies. Far more than 2,500 of these companies have already exhibited at subsidised pavilions and start-up areas.

It's obvious why this assistance program is so popular. The experienced NürnbergMesse startup team supports participants with all questions regarding the application for funding and the organization of the trade fair appearance. A pavilion at an international trade fair is significantly less costly than an individual booth – and it attracts significantly more attention to individual start-ups.

We were the first exhibition company in Germany to actively campaign for federal support for new businesses, and today we're still promoting that support among the community of start-up founders.

Bettina Wild / start-up expert of NürnbergMesse
Startup Messestand

Subsidised pavilions for "Young Innovators"

An "Young Innovators" pavilion allows new companies to introduce themselves to the professional public and present their product innovations at leading international exhibitions. As an experienced specialist in start-ups and new companies, NürnbergMesse organises the pavilion. Participants also get free tips for participation from AUMA, the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry.

Germany's Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) reimburses up to 60% of your booth expense. You won't find a lower-priced way to attend a leading international trade fair!

Conditions for participation

Domicile in Germany

Your company must be domiciled and operating in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Small company

It must meet the current EU definition of a small business (under 50 employees, annual net assets or annual revenues not more than EUR 10 million).

Young company

It must have been founded within the last 10 years.

Your advantages at a pavilion

An "All-round carefree package"

Fully equipped stand ready for occupancy incl. lighting and power consumption, marketing services, catering and much more.

Personal assistance

Our startup-team will support you throughout the process – from planning to execution on-site.

Great benefit-cost ratio

Germany's Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) reimburses up to 60% of your booth expense.

We're still a start-up. Without BAFA's and AUMA's support and without the NürnbergMesse crew, we'd never have had the trade fair expertise or manpower to exhibit at BIOFACH.

Christine Reich / Managing Director and joint founder of Dr Reich’s Family

Subsidised pavilions for "Young innovators" are organised at the following leading international exhibitions:

Overview (German ONLY) 

Startup-Area embedded world

International start-up areas, pitches, and more

Along with subsidised pavilions, the NürnbergMesse Start-up Hub also offers specialised start-up areas and other services for young companies. The start-up area benefits start-ups with a special location and extra attention from visiting industry professionals and the media. It's also worthwhile to register for one of the many start-up competitions. Because in reality, it's not just the winners whose innovations get highlighted in a contest.

There are additional start-up options at these leading international exhibitions:

Go to the overview

Our collaboration partners

Logo BayStartUP

NürnbergMesse and start-up specialist BayStartUP provide carefully focused support for the challenges that innovative company founders typically face. In close cooperation, we organise various pitch formats, start-up talks and panel discussions on start-up-relevant topics at our trade fairs at the Nuremberg trade fair location.

Our shared goal is to increase the chances for success in realising technology-based business ideas, successfully getting innovations onto the market, and accelerating growth for young companies.

BayStartUP offers company founders the opportunity to network with about 400 business angels, 100 institutional investors and public sources of capital, and financing rounds for amounts from EUR 50,000 to EUR six million. BayStartUP also helps established companies develop the appropriate strategies for working with start-ups by providing nationwide start-up/industry matching opportunities and conceptual resources.

Logo Zollhof

NürnbergMesse works with the ZOLLHOF Tech Incubator to develop ideas for the digital world of tomorrow and the associated services. ZOLLHOF has some 20 staff members assisting roughly 40 tech start-ups, all of which reap the benefits of expert experience and an inexhaustible network.

Your contact

Give us a call!

Your contact for participants, supporters and sponsors

The NürnbergMesse Start-up Hub is the central contact point and networking platform for start-ups and their supporters. This is where you’ll all kinds of investment opportunities and assistance programmes for start-ups at NürnbergMesse events at the exhibition site Nuremberg.

Bettina Wild
Senior Manager NürnbergMesse Startup Hub / Expert for startups and exhibition promotion
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Image credits:

  • Header: iSTock / Vasyl Dolmatov