Press release
NürnbergMesse feiert 50. Geburtstag mit einer Hommage an die Messe.Stadt.Nürnberg
Press release of the NürnbergMesse Group

NürnbergMesse celebrates its 50th birthday with a tribute to the Messe.Stadt.Nürnberg.

28. March 2024


  • Taxi drivers, restaurateurs, hotel managers and stand builders play the leading role in NürnbergMesse's anniversary campaign with their personal stories    
  • The anniversary book “Messe.Stadt.Nürnberg.” provides a wealth of eyewitness interviews and articles about the company’s “Spirit to Grow” as the firm evolved from a 1974 start-up into one of the top 15 exhibition companies in the world   
  • Website, film, outdoor advertising (OOH), social media and events bring the Messe.Stadt.Nürnberg. experience to life digitally and regionally


NürnbergMesse is celebrating its 50th anniversary – and the City of Nuremberg is celebrating along with it. In a time when connecting people together counts more than ever, the exhibition company is launching a campaign that centres a very special narrative on personal stories and what they share with NürnbergMesse: “Messe.Stadt.Nürnberg.” (which is equivalent to trade fair city of Nuremberg) is not just the title of a book published for the anniversary, but a way of highlighting Nuremberg as a City of Trade Fairs, and the guiding idea behind a campaign in the form of billboards, a microsite, and a number of short videos that focus on the people for whom Nuremberg is far more than just a place to hold events.

Nuremberg, 2 April 2024 – For its 50th anniversary, NürnbergMesse is orchestrating its own celebration in a very special way. And the main players are the city’s people. Congratulations come in from a taxi driver who has witnessed the company’s changes first-hand for decades. A hotel manager, whose business ebbs and flows with trade fair cycles. A restaurateur whose culinary creations delight international guests. A booth builder whose craft makes trade fairs possible in the first place. And one of our own NürnbergMesse employees, one among many whose passion has made the company what it is today. A wide array of personalities who express their bond with the trade fair business in a very personal way, and thus also highlight NürnbergMesse’s function as an economic powerhouse.  

“Our anniversary campaign pays tribute to the city, and to the support and passion that have kept NürnbergMesse flourishing for 50 years. Each of these stories reflects the people of Nuremberg’s hospitality and their warm welcome for guests at our exhibition centre,” explains Dr Thomas Koch, Senior Vice President Group Development at NürnbergMesse.  

The campaign will also appear on the microsite, with support from a variety of social media activities. It’s meant not just for those who live in Nuremberg and the Metropolitan Region, but also for their partners on site.

The anniversary campaign deliberately highlights new aspects of communicating about event locations and the role they play in a city’s society and history. The Achtung! Mary agency was responsible for the concept, which was then put into action in close cooperation among NürnbergMesse, Achtung! Mary and VeyVey Films GmbH. “We want to invite people to take part in a shared history that extends far beyond the exhibition halls and especially emphasises the connection between people and trade fairs,” explains Account Director Julian Jannsen from Achtung! Mary.

To celebrate 50 years of its existence, the exhibition company is publishing a book, “Messe.Stadt.Nürnberg.”. Its 200 pages deal with not just the history of NürnbergMesse, but also Nuremberg’s role in the historical context of markets and trade. It gives a voice to many eyewitnesses – among the authors are Bavarian Prime Minister Dr Markus Söder, Nuremberg Lord Mayor Marcus König, and TV entertainer Thomas Gottschalk. The publication illuminates from a variety of angles how important the successful interplay of the major trade fair patrons from the State of Bavaria and the City of Nuremberg has been for NürnbergMesse’s development right down to today.

On top of that, an engaging film presents both the past and the future of NürnbergMesse. The book and film were both produced by Birke und Partner, a communications agency for history marketing. “Again and again our research confronted us with the determination of managers and employees to make Nuremberg a trade fair site that commands worldwide respect,” says Managing Director Ralf Birke. “That has enabled us to keep the story of NürnbergMesse going into the future, as ‘The Spirit to Grow’.” In parallel with the book’s publication, the history of NürnbergMesse is also being dramatised in a multi-part series on social media channels. Carefully curated segments will focus on important moments and turning points for the company. This multi-channel narrative will strengthen NürnbergMesse’s online presence while at the same time inviting customers and partners in to join the festivities.

Dr. Ulf Santjer
Dr Ulf Santjer
Press Spokesman NürnbergMesse
T: +49 9 11 86 06-80 28
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Maximilian Hensel
Maximilian Hensel
Senior Manager Corporate Communications
T: +49 9 11 86 06-85 15
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About the NürnbergMesse Group

The NürnbergMesse Group is one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world. It includes NürnbergMesse GmbH and that company's 15 subsidiaries and affiliates. The Group employs more than 1000 people at eleven locations in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria and the USA. It also has a network of international representatives in more than 100 countries. Its portfolio comprises some 120 national and international exhibitions and conferences held in person and as digital events, focusing on five general fields: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, and Social & Public. The company has also been incorporating more and more aspects of sustainability into its trade fair concepts. Its events secure more than 12,000 jobs and generate billions of euros each year in purchasing power and tax revenue, making NürnbergMesse a major economic engine for the Nuremberg metropolitan region and Germany as a whole. As an employer and organizer of major events, NürnbergMesse assumes responsibility for people and the environment. It shapes its corporate actions in accordance with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the aim of achieving climate neutrality by 2028.