Press release

From left: Albert Füracker (Finanz- und Heimatminister Bayern und stellv. Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender NürnbergMesse) Peter Ottmann (CEO NürnbergMesse Group), Prof. Elmar Forster (Hauptgeschäftsführer Handwerkskammer für Mittelfranken), Marcus  König (Oberbürgermeister Stadt Nürnberg und Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender NürnbergMesse) sowie Markus Lötzsch (Hauptgeschäftsführer der Industrie- und Handelskammer Nürnberg für MIttelfranken)

Press release of the NürnbergMesse Group

NürnbergMesse Supervisory Board extends CEO Peter Ottmann’s contract for another five years

4. July 2024
  • Supervisory Board Chairman Marcus König: Extension ensures continuity at the top for NürnbergMesse

  • Ottmann has been sole CEO since 2023, with support from Executive Board

Nuremberg, 5 July 2024 – At its 147th meeting, the Supervisory Board of  NürnbergMesse unanimously approved  an extension of Peter Ottmann’s contract as CEO of NürnbergMesse until 2029. Headed by its Chairman, Nuremberg Lord Mayor Marcus König, and Deputy Chairman, Bavarian Finance and Home Affairs Minister Albert Füracker, the board thus conferred the responsibility of managing the NürnbergMesse Group for another five years on the long-standing chief officer, who led the company as joint CEO from 2011 and has been sole CEO since 2023. Ottmann, who has been with the company since 1994, will be supported by the four members of the Executive Board, and all five together form the top management of the NürnbergMesse Group.      

Supervisory Board Chairman Marcus König: “I want to thank the Supervisory Board for its unanimous decision and the firm confidence in Peter Ottmann it thus expresses. The extension of his contract will ensure continuity at the top for NürnbergMesse. With all his experience, his worldwide contacts, and his interest in innovation, Peter Ottmann will assist the company as it evolves towards a secure future. He will continue until 2029 to set the course for NürnbergMesse’s next decade.

Supervisory Board Deputy Chairman Albert Füracker: “Peter Ottmann is part of the bedrock of NürnbergMesse, and has had a fundamental influence in shaping the company. With expert skill and well-conceived initiatives, he has led the company reliably and successfully through all the highs and crisis-induced lows of recent years. I’m very pleased to know that management will remain in such competent hands for another five years. I wish him and the entire NürnbergMesse team continuing success in their ongoing development of Nuremberg as an appealing site for trade fairs.”

Peter Ottmann, CEO NürnbergMesse: “This year NürnbergMesse is celebrating its 50th birthday. I’m delighted to have the privilege of continuing to lead the company as CEO, jointly with my team, so that we and our colleagues at NürnbergMesse can continue our success story. I very much want to thank the Supervisory Board for its continued trust and our majority shareholders, the City of Nuremberg and the Free State of Bavaria, for their support.”  

Dr. Ulf Santjer
Dr Ulf Santjer
Press Spokesman NürnbergMesse
T: +49 9 11 86 06-80 28
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Maximilian Hensel
Maximilian Hensel
Senior Manager Corporate Communications
T: +49 9 11 86 06-85 15
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About the NürnbergMesse Group

The NürnbergMesse Group was entered in the commercial register on 5 April 1974 as Nürnberger Messe- und Ausstellungsgesellschaft mbH (NMA), and is now one of the 15 largest exhibition companies worldwide. The Group employs more than 1000 people at eleven locations in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria and the USA. It also has a network of international representatives in more than 100 countries. Its portfolio comprises some 120 national and international exhibitions and conferences held in person and as digital events, focusing on five general fields: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, and Social & Public. The company has also been incorporating more and more aspects of sustainability into its trade fair concepts. Its events secure more than 12,000 jobs and generate billions of euros each year in purchasing power and tax revenue, making NürnbergMesse a major economic engine for the Nuremberg metropolitan region and Germany as a whole. As an employer and organizer of major events, NürnbergMesse assumes responsibility for people and the environment. It shapes its corporate actions in accordance with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the aim of achieving climate neutrality by 2028.