The employer NürnbergMesse presents itself in a video. Female employees conceived the film and stood in front of the camera. In the interview, they talk about job expectations and the feeling of "trade fair fever".
What it's really like in a new job often only becomes clear on the first day of work. A new video gives a look behind the scenes and an impression of NürnbergMesse as an employer. It was co-conceived by Verena Kohler, who works in the Human Resources department at NürnbergMesse. Corinna Hopfenzitz was in front of the camera. She has been working for the exhibition company for two years. Corinna and Verena talk about the expectations applicants have of their new employer and what NürnbergMesse offers to meet them in the interview.

Corinna Hopfenzitz has been working in "Product and Innovation Management" at NürnbergMesse since 2016.
Corinna: At the time, I had just graduated from university and was looking for a job. The job in product and innovation management aroused my interest. I was surprised to find such a position at an exhibition company and curious to see how NürnbergMesse implements innovations.
Verena: Very similar to Corinna! Most applicants come to us via the job portals on the Internet. But many also approach NürnbergMesse directly because they are specifically looking for jobs in the event industry - NürnbergMesse naturally has a name in this area. We also notice that applicants from the region know our company and approach us specifically as an interesting employer.
Verena: Many applicants tell us that the corporate culture of NürnbergMesse comes across as positive and authentic. Our "triad of values" - "partnership, inspiration and courage " - is often mentioned, which encourages applicants in their interest in NürnbergMesse. In the interview, general conditions such as social benefits, training opportunities or employee bonuses stand out positively. It is important to the applicants to take on responsibility and to help shape the company. They want colleagues to treat each other with respect, regardless of their position. Equally important are flexible working hours and an international working environment. The trade fair flair, "the world comes to Nuremberg", appeals to many applicants.
Corinna: People often talk about the "trade fair fever" that grips you when you work in the industry. I studied "trade fair, congress and event management", but then worked in marketing. After a while, I really missed the trade fair action. There's always something going on at the exhibition centre, there's never a standstill - I wanted to feel the trade fair fever again!
Corinna: My first day of work at NürnbergMesse was exemplary for me: I was shown around, shook many hands and was received openly and warmly everywhere. The interaction is highly professional on the one hand, but also very warm and friendly. There is always time for a coffee and a short chat among colleagues. Typical is also this "tingling" just before the big fairs, which you can feel in the whole company. It's so exciting to see so many hands interlocking when everything is being set up on the exhibition grounds and the hustle and bustle of the trade fair gets underway. The trade fair grounds are simply always in a state of upheaval and change.
Corinna: It wasn't so easy for me to move here. I had previously lived on the Ammersee, a quiet holiday region. Nuremberg is not the foothills of the Alps, but a big city with lots of young people and nice places. There is always something going on. In the surrounding countryside there are contemplative small towns. I feel at home there. I can still reach the NürnbergMesse easily by car or S-Bahn. The proximity of city and country - that is also an advantage of this metropolitan region! (to the video: We <3 Nuremberg)
Verena: Many of our applicants take time to look around the city before or after the interview. Many are positively surprised by Nuremberg because they knew little or nothing about the city beforehand. Others have precise ideas about Nuremberg with the leisure opportunities in Franconian Switzerland and the many strong employers in the region.

Verena Kohler, who works in the human resources department, helped create the video.
Verena: We want to show what Nuremberg is all about - a beautiful and at the same time modern city - and give an insight into the exhibition world with the great architecture of the exhibition grounds and the flair of the international trade fairs and congresses. We think the film conveys the working atmosphere at NürnbergMesse well. This allows applicants to assess whether they would like to become part of the company.
Image credits:
Screenshot aus dem neuen Recruiting-Video; NürnbergMesse / Framegroup