Press release
Exhibition impression from Hall 7A at the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre

Exceptional start to the exhibition year: Enforce Tac and IWA OutdoorClassics kick off over 40 exhibitions, congresses and events in the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg.

Press release NürnbergMesse

Spring start for trade fairs in Nuremberg for the first time

24. February 2022
  • Enforce Tac and IWA OutdoorClassics are the first of 43 trade fairs, congresses and other events on the exhibition calendar for 2022
  • NürnbergMesse as a driving force for the economy: Hotels, restaurants and tourism will once again benefit from trade fairs and congresses

The beginning of spring will see NürnbergMesse launch promptly into the 2022 exhibition calendar, with two trade fairs – Enforce Tac on 1-2 March and IWA OutdoorClassics from 3 to 6 March – and about 1,300 exhibitors. That’s later than originally intended on account of Covid-19, but there has been a very positive response from customers. A total of 43 trade fairs, congresses and other events are planned for the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg this year. “All of Nuremberg is looking forward to the international trade fairs and visitors from around Germany and abroad. NürnbergMesse is an important driving force for the economy and employment in our city and the wider region, and it’s finally back in action again!” That’s the comment by Nuremberg mayor Marcus König, who recently took up his position as Chair of the Supervisory Board of NürnbergMesse in rotation. “Our trade fairs in Nuremberg have a huge impact on so many sectors in the city and the wider region. With an annual purchasing power effect of around €2 billion, NürnbergMesse radiates well beyond the Nuremberg metropolitan region,” comments Dr Roland Fleck, CEO NürnbergMesse Group. “Our customers are longing to be able to meet again face to face at in-person events, which is clear from current booking numbers for the exhibition year as a whole. For many events, these are already higher than we expected,” says Peter Ottmann, CEO NürnbergMesse Group.

Trade fairs and congresses

Despite the postponements and cancellations owing to Covid-19 in the first quarter of the year, the exhibition calendar for 2022 is filling up nicely. Starting in March, a total of 43 trade fairs, congresses, and corporate and other events will take place, representing a good mix of in-house, partner and guest events. Enforce Tac and IWA OutdoorClassics will be followed immediately by Freizeit, Touristik & Garten (exhibition for leisure, tourism and gardens, organizer: AFAG Messen und Ausstellungen GmbH, 9 13 March), and IFH/Intherm (organizer: GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH, 26-29 April). In the merry month of May, the three days from the 10th to the 12th are dominated by the “triplet” of PCIM Europe, SMTconnect (organizer for both: Mesago Messe Frankfurt) and SENSOR+TEST (organizer: AMA Service GmbH). As originally planned, May will also be the time for Interzoo, the World’s Largest International Trade Fair for the Pet Supplies Industry, organized by WZF GmbH (24 27 May). Taking place in June and July for the first time are EUROGUSS (8-10 June), embedded world (21 23 June), FeuerTrutz (29 30 June), HOLZ-HANDWERK and FENSTERBAU FRONTALE (12 15 July), and BIOFACH and VIVANESS (26-29 July). The autumn months in the exhibition calendar include, in September, GaLaBau (14 17 September), and POWTECH and FACHPACK (27 29 September), followed by Insights-X (organizer: Spielwarenmesse eG, 5-7 October), CHILLVENTA (11 13 October), it-sa (25-27 October) and Consumenta (organizer: AFAG, 26-30 October). November is the time for SPS (organizer: Mesago Messe Frankfurt, 8-10 November) and HYDROGEN DIALOGUE (15-16 November). Then the exhibition and event calendar for the year is brought to a close with RETRO CLASSICS BAVARIA (2-4 December), ConSozial (7-8 December), and the exhibition for professional education BERUFSBILDUNG (12-15 December) and, as a special highlight once again, the “Sternstunden Gala” at the Frankenhalle on 16 December, organized by Bayerischer Rundfunk.

For a detailed description of all the exhibitions and congresses at the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg, see the NürnbergMesse online event calendar at

New video: Important driving force for the economy

Countless businesses throughout the metropolitan area are happy that in-person events are finally starting again at the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg. From taxi drivers to stand construction companies, from bar operators to hoteliers, about 15,000 jobs have a direct connection with the events at the Exhibition Centre. For more information on NürnbergMesse, the driving force for the economy, and its effects in terms of purchasing power, employment and fiscal aspects, see the new video at


Dr. Ulf Santjer
Dr Ulf Santjer
Press Spokesman NürnbergMesse
T: +49 9 11 86 06-80 28
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Maximilian Hensel
Maximilian Hensel
Senior Manager Corporate Communications
T: +49 9 11 86 06-85 15
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About the NürnbergMesse Group

The NürnbergMesse Group is one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world. It includes NürnbergMesse GmbH and that company’s 15 subsidiaries and affiliates. The Group employs more some 900 people at eleven locations in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria and the USA. It also has a network of international representatives in more than 100 countries. Its portfolio comprises some 120 national and international exhibitions and conferences held in person and as digital events, focusing on five general fields: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, and Social & Public. Its events safeguard jobs; generate tax revenues as well as billions of euros in purchasing power effects each year, making NürnbergMesse a major economic engine for the Nuremberg metropolitan region and Germany as a whole.