Shortly before the restart of the exhibition, Franziska Arzberger (event management apprentice) and Niklas Dörflinger (dual student, exhibition, congress and event management) started their training and dual studies at NürnbergMesse. In the interview, they talk about how their start in professional life was and why they also see the restart as a huge opportunity for themselves.
How was the first month at NürnbergMesse?
Franziska: Exciting, you got to know lots of new people, things and places.
Niklas: Very exciting and impressive. So many new colleagues and then the tour of the grounds, where we got an impression of the size of the site.
How did NürnbergMesse convince you as an employer?
Franziska: NürnbergMesse convinced me completely, because I always wanted to work in an internationally active company.
Niklas: Above all with its size and versatility. In my eyes, NürnbergMesse is the best place to complete such training or studies.
What surprised or particularly impressed you?
Franziska: I am impressed every day by the areas that are part of the trade fair and how much has to be thought of when planning a trade fair.
Niklas: I was particularly surprised by the size and the many different departments. I am also very impressed by the work with the foreign representatives, for which my current department is responsible, among other things.

The interview partner Niklas Dörflinger and Franziska Arzberger (from left to right)
What appeals to you about a job in the trade fair industry?
Franziska: What appeals to me is working at the trade fair, getting to know different people and things again and again and thus having an exciting everyday working life.
Niklas: Even as a child I went to a few trade fairs as a visitor and later as an exhibitor a few times. What always appealed to me was that as an exhibitor you can come into direct contact with your customers. Or that you even discover companies that offer exactly what you've been looking for for a long time. I also find it interesting how an entire trade fair concept comes about.
What is your first training station at NürnbergMesse?
Franziska: At the moment I'm in the international area, in the "International Sales & Business Management" department.
Niklas: In my first month I am also in the "International Sales & Business Management" department. In October I will start my first semester at the DHBW in Ravensburg. From January, I will be back in the department for three months.

The new apprentices and dual students at NürnbergMesse
You started in the exhibition industry shortly before the restart after Corona - opportunity or risk?
Franziska: In my opinion, the trade fair restart is definitely an opportunity for NürnbergMesse. Visitors and exhibitors have a desire for trade fairs on site again and we are there to make that possible.
Niklas: I have never seen a real risk in it. Because anyone who has experienced what a trade fair is all about also knows that events will remain in great demand. Perhaps even more so than before. That's why I also see the restart as a huge opportunity for us, because we're getting to experience the change up close right from the start.
NürnbergMesse plans many of its events hybrid: onsite and online. What advantages do you see on both sides?
Franziska: The advantage of hybrid events is that you can meet the customers where they are. You can make the trade fair accessible to a larger audience. In addition, the most important point is not lost at the hybrid trade fair, and that is the interpersonal contact. That's why I think such events will be an important part of the future.
Niklas: I see a big advantage with onsite events in the fact that by "strolling" through the exhibition halls, it's much easier to get into conversation with potential new customers or, as a visitor, with companies you don't even know. And in this way you sometimes become aware of companies that you hadn't even thought of before. The advantage of online events is clearly that they also provide a platform for exhibitors or visitors who are not able to be present on site to exchange information.
Thank you very much for the interview!