Acting sustainably
As an organiser of international trade fairs and conferences all over the world, and as one of the largest employers in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region, NürnbergMesse bears a responsibility for its employees, exhibitors, and visitors – and of course for the environment as well.
From now on, in view of its responsibility for people and the environment, NürnbergMesse will be guided in its actions by the 17 internationally recognised Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The company is already contributing today through a variety of projects to fulfilling these SDGs – from gender equality to an environmentally responsible treatment of energy to creating transparent structures.

NürnbergMesse has set itself the goal of increasing the percentage of women in management positions in the company in order to contribute to gender equality (SDG 5). Its Jump mentoring programme has been helping train women employees for man-agement jobs since 2016. The programme has led to career opportunities for more than 60 percent of the participants, and the number of women in management has increased 66 percent since the programme began.

NürnbergMesse’s international trade fairs and conferences encourage the spread of environmentally friendly technologies (SDG 9) around the globe. One pioneer in the field of organic foods is the international trade show network for organic products of BIOFACH, the world’s leading trade fair in its sector. Environmentally friendly packaging is the focus of FACHPACK, and the EVTec conference in Shanghai is all about emission-free electromobility.

In developing its exhibition centre, NürnbergMesse has put a special emphasis on sustainability (SDG 11). For instance, the design, construction, and operation of the two newest halls, 3A and 3C, follow strict requirements for ecological, social, and economic aspects. The result: a Platinum Certificate from the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB).

NürnbergMesse actively requires its staff to stay strictly within the law and campaigns against corruption (SDG 16). Its principles of ethical conduct are spelled out in a Compliance Code. It regularly conducts anti-corruption trainings and tests – including at its international subsidiaries.
Image credits:
NürnbergMesse/Heiko Stahl, NürnbergMesse/Ralf Rödel